ICOS Belgium    



The ecosystem statin of Vielsalm has been installed in 1996 thanks to fundings of the European Community and Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS-FRS). Flux and micrometeorological measurements are performed continuously since more than 20 years. The forest is patchy, made up of mixed coniferous (Douglas fir, spruce, silver fir) and deciduous (beech) plots. Until 2009, measurements were made at the top of a 40m height scaffolding tower. In 2009, the tower was replaced by a 52m pylon.

  • Class 2
  • One of the longest and most complete data series in the world
  • Mature mixed (beech, douglas fir, spruce, silver fir) forest -80 to 110 years old
  • Flux and meteorological data since 1996
  • 52 m high pylon
  • ADDITIONAL RESEARCH THEMES : Soil respiration, advection, site water balance, CO2 and CO2 diffusion in the soil, VOC exchanges, soil carbon content, nitrogen deposition, dissolved organic compounds flows
  • Formerly part of EUROFLUX and CARBOEUROPE networks
  • Expected official integration in ICOS in 2018
  • Coordinates: 50°18'18.2"N 5°59'53.0"E


PI:  Prof. dr. Caroline Vincke (Caroline.Vincke@uclouvain.be)

Full dataset: Vielsalm (icos-cp.eu)

Vielsalm Data

Time series of air temperature
Time series of precipitation
Last week time series of water table depth measurements at Vielsalm

Wind rose:
Wind rose
Time series of global and net radiation
Time series of CO2 flux