ICOS Belgium    



Installed in 2004 thanks to funds from the European Community and Communauté française de Belgique (ARC project), the Lonzée ecosystem station was one of the first European sites devoted to production crops. This set-up allowed to follow net CO2 fluxes exchanged between a four year rotation crop and are complemented by fine monitoring of meteorological conditions, of the biomass and of the soil characteristics. It allows to better evaluate the contribution of crops typical of the Walloon agro-ecosystems to the GHG exchanges, to better understand and model the component of their carbon balance and to assess the impact of some crop management systems.

  • Class 2
  • One of the longest and most complete data series on cropland in Europe
  • Four years rotation crop (sugar beet, winter wheat, potato, winter wheat)
  • Flux and meteorological data since 2004
  • ADDITIONAL RESEARCH THEMES : Crop and rotation carbon budget, soil respiration (autotrophic and heterotrophic discrimination), soil carbon content, growth/yield and GHG fluxes modeling, N2O emissions, VOC exchanges, nitrogen deposition
  • Formerly part of CARBOEUROPE network
  • Official integration in ICOS on November 2017
  • Coordinates: 50°33'05.7"N 4°44'46.1"E


PI: Prof. dr. Benjamin Dumont (Benjamin.Dumont@uliege.be)

Full dataset: Lonzée (icos-cp.eu)

Lonzée Data

Webcam today:
Today's picture of the site
Time series of air temperature
Time series of precipitation
Wind rose:
Wind rose
Time series of global and net radiation
Time series of CO2 flux